3月11日に東北地方を襲った太平洋沖地震の影響でCOARSETOYSの作品展が急きょキャンセルされたり、Monsters & Misfits(怪物と不適応者たち)展がアーティスト不在のまま開催されました。
しかしながら留之助が初めてプロデュースしたMonsters & Misfits展はユニークな展覧会として高い評価をいただき、ほとんどの作品が瞬時に売り切れるという成功を収めました。
また東北地方太平洋沖地震義援金キャンペーンTOYS HELP USの呼びかけには、多方面から協力をいただき多額の寄付金が集まりました。
オリジナル・アート・フィギュアLady Butterflyのリリース、数々のTomenosuke Exclusive Toyを発売できたのも、内外のアーティストやメーカー、コレクターの協力があればこそでした。
The year 2011 was a challenging year for Tomenosuke.
This is because an exhibition of COARSETOYS was suddenly canceled due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, which hit the Tohoku area on March 11th, as well as the fact that the exhibition for Monsters & Misfits was held without artists.
However, Monsters & Misfits, which Tomesuke first organized, was highly regarded as an unique show from various quarters, and it contributed the success of most of the works instant sold out.
Also, TOYS HELP US, a fundraising campaign for the Great East Japan Earthquake, supported by various sectors, collected a large amount of donation.
All achievements, including the release of original art figure, Lady Butterfly, and the sales of various Tomenosuke Exclusive Toy, would never accomplished without cooperation from artists, makers and art toy collectors inside and outside.
We appreciate all the people supporting us, as well as your continuing support for Tomenosuke in 2012.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-01-01 08:06 | 留之助商店計画
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