Monsters & Misfits II、日本語版フライヤー
Monsters & Misfits II展、4月13日から26日まで飛騨高山の日下部民芸館にて開催。
Monsters & Misfits II、日本語版フライヤー_a0077842_9345475.jpg
The following Japanese captions have been added in the margin on the left of the flyer of Japanese version.
A group exhibition, featuring the works of some of the best fantasy art painters and sculptors in US and UK, will be held at the Kusakabe Folk Museum, which has been designated as an important cultural property of Japan. Please enjoy the imaginative artworks about mischievous monsters and innocent little fiends from the parallel universe.

Monsters & Misfits II opens April 13th at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan.

Monsters & Misfits II、日本語版フライヤー_a0077842_9401833.jpg

by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-03-13 09:41 | 留之助イベント
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