Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1
留之助(T)とCircus Posterus(CP)のコラボ・ブランド T+CP によるソフビ版Stingy Jack(スティンジー・ジャック)の量産が、東京葛飾の老舗工場オビツ製作所で開始されたのを機会に、そのメーキングを紹介していこうと思う。

Brandt Peters(ブラント・ピータース)から、まずメールでレジン製スティンジー・ジャックのレンダリング・イメージが届き、続いてキャスト・パーツが送られてきた。
Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1_a0077842_9323965.jpg
Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1_a0077842_9325233.jpg
Since the mass production of Sofubi Stingy Jack has just started by collaboration with Circus Posterus at a long-established factory Obitsu in Katsushika Tokyo, I’d like to introduce its making process.
The planning of this project began in September last year.
The rendering image of Stingy Jack resin version was sent from Brandt Peters by e-mail first; the resin parts have been sent subsequently so that we can re-sculpt out the prototype of sofubi version in Japan based on those images.
Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1_a0077842_9331395.jpg
The image of blue above is the necessary changes to be made for production of sofubi figures in Japan. I sent it to Brandt with the following memo, and got an OK.
Blue parts are the modified image line.
1.Fill in a little, in order to pull out the sofubi figure from the mold smoothly.
2.Prune a little.
3.Cock a little.
4.Combine the collar and body.
5.Make the arm little thick toward the wrist.
6.IMPORTANT Interface between the neck and body are too narrow. Make it thick from the stomach to neck.
7.If keeping the shape as it is currently, air-bubbles will be stand between the bulge of the dorsum of shoes and recurvate toe. Hold down the bulge and scrape down the toe. Moreover, smaller the shoes and to balancing for stand, place the shoes more backward.
8.Ankle is too thin, so make it thicker. Or, how about taking off the leg and directly assemble the shoes to the body.
Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1_a0077842_21352719.jpg
そこで気心の知れたgoccodoの田中茂太君に東京のレップを押しつけ、彼の推薦もあってMirock Toyの主宰者、金子洋平君をT+CPのソフビモチャ計画のメイン彫刻家に抜擢した。
Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 1_a0077842_21594042.jpg
I asked my friend Shigeta of goccodo to be the Tokyo rep on that, and on his recommendation took on Yohei of Mirock Toy as a sculptor. Shigeta and Yohei both gave of their best in order to satisfy the conditions for making figures in Japan while preserving the original image. Thanks also to the technical advice we got from Mori-san of REALxHEADS, the work went very well.
The above image is Yohei’s modified sculpture, with the sharp edges and details deformed.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-06-09 22:11 | T+CPモチャ
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