Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 5
留之助(T)とCircus Posterus(CP)のコラボ・ブランド T+CP によるソフビ版Stingy Jack(スティンジー・ジャック)のメーキング、その5。


Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 5_a0077842_21142190.jpg
The producing of the Sofubi Stingy Jack which began last September finally finished, and 120 units arrived from Obitus Plastic Manufacturing carefully packaged. I immediately sent half off to Circus Posterus.
Since it took a full year to complete, I think that's all the more strong feelings towards this piece.

Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 5_a0077842_21144481.jpg
I assumed that I had acquired plenty of experience in toy making from the resin figure Lady Butterfly and the high-end prop replica Tomenosuke Blaster, but what awaited me were the challenges and excitements unique to vinyl.
The task at hand was to create a model for mass production without sacrificing the nuance of the original sculpture, while clearing certain limitations involved with forming from metal mold. I thought that I knew fully well of the material's characteristic of being sensitive to heat, but due to the high temperatures in the summer, the base of the figure's feet had deformed and could not support itself. As a result, We had to make the feet from scratch.
It's only sofbi, but it's still sofubi... not something that could be done in a brief period of time.

留之助が手がけたソフビ・フィギュアの記念すべき第1号、新しい足が付き完成したStingy Jack Colorway #1 Classic(カラーウェイ・ナンバーワン・クラシック)だ。
素晴らしいアーティストBrandt Peters(ブラント・ピータース)をはじめ、彫刻担当の金子洋平君、プロダクション・コーディネーターの田中茂太君、オビツ製作所の菊池さんのおかげで、いい勉強をさせていただきました。

Making of Sofubi Stingy Jack / Part 5_a0077842_21151741.jpg
This is completed Stingy Jack with new foot, the commemorative first sofbi figure made by Tomenosuke + Circus Posterus. I would like to thank amazing creator Brandt Peters, Yohei Kaneko of Mirock Toy, Shigeta Tanaka of goccodo, and Kikuchi-san of Obitus Plastic Manufacturing who taught me a good lesson.
The sale will begin on August 25th (Sat.) at midnight (24:00). We will follow-up with further notice of details.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-08-21 21:53 | T+CPモチャ
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