Making of Sofubi Calliope Jackalope / Part 6
彩色指示書どおりに仕上がったKathie Olivas(キャシー・オリヴァス)のCalliope Jackalope(カリオペ・ジャッカロープ)である。
これもDCon 2012でデビューする。
Making of Sofubi Calliope Jackalope / Part 6_a0077842_858146.jpg
Casting colors are opaque green and opaque white. There is nothing to be fixed. It is Kathie Olivas's Calliope Jackalope, which was completed by following the Pantone color instruction sheet. This will also be debuted at the DCon 2012. Please have a nice long look at it. In the same way, it is planned that Stingy Jack colorway#2 will go on sale at our online store around November 10.
Making of Sofubi Calliope Jackalope / Part 6_a0077842_924559.gif
Making of Sofubi Calliope Jackalope / Part 6_a0077842_11502356.jpg

by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-10-23 09:03 | T+CPモチャ
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