Calliope Jackalope #2、到着
Calliope Jackalope #2、到着_a0077842_22141729.jpg
今年は、敬愛するふたりのアーティストであり友人のKathie Olivas(キャシー・オリヴァス)とBrandt Peters(ブラント・ピータース)とともにソフビモチャ・ブランドT+CPを立ち上げ、彼らの明晰な監修と日本人クルーの素晴らしい働きで次々と新作をリリースできた有意義な年でした。
Calliope Jackalope #2、到着_a0077842_22225527.jpg
This has been a really meaningful year, thanks to my respected friends and artists, Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters, with whom the "T+CP" sofubi brand was launched, and whose brilliant editorial supervision and wonderful work of the Japanese crew allowed for the creation of a series of new products. I am very glad to have been able to do my best however little was my capacity, to serve as a bridge between America and Japan.
In this busy time of the year was received a new Calliope Jackalope appropriate for the year-end. It will be launched sometime next January.
Calliope Jackalope #2、到着_a0077842_2223422.jpg

by tomenosuke_2006 | 2012-12-27 10:07 | T+CPモチャ
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