先週20日の日曜から24日の木曜まで、仕事や人付き合いを完全に断ち、当然ブログやFBも放置して、Apple TVにつないだ居間のテレビはもちろん、Mac、iPod、iPhoneを駆使しながら、書斎や風呂やトイレで、ベッドやクルマでも、ずっとhuluから配信の『ブレーキング・バッド』に釘付けになっていた。

Watching all 48 50-minute episodes of a TV drama over 5 days works out to spending an average of 8 hours a day. Last week, from Sunday the 20th to Thursday the 24th, I completely cut myself off from work and social obligations, and using my living room TV connected to Apple TV, as well as my Mac, iPod, and iPhone, I was glued to "Breaking Bad" on hulu in my study, bath, toilet, and even my bed and car. The American broadcast started in January 2008, so I'm embarrassed not to have known about it, but anyway, I learned about this TV series of the century from a new action figure that was on the website of an American toy wholesaler, and I have finally gotten to the point where I can watch episodes 50 through 62, the final episode, that are broadcast every week on Friday one at a time. The story is set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where friends of mine (Brandt Peters and Kathie Olvas) live, so it gives me a particularly familiar feeling. Knowing the most impressive actor in the recent "Godzilla" preview, plays the main character in "Breaking Bad," I was one shopkeeper with extremely high expectations for "Godzilla".
In addition to all of the six-inch action figures, that full-size Pink Teddy Bear will be arriving soon. Especially Pink Teddy Bear is a toy of "Breaking Bad" most wanted for me.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2014-04-30 07:36 | TV・映画・ビデオ
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