I apologize for the short notice, but the store will be closing




また『開運!なんでも鑑定団』でお馴染みのスーパー・コレクターでブリキのおもちゃ博物館の館長でもいらっしゃる北原照久さんのご好意で、この春から横浜市山手町のおもちゃ博物館隣接のショップChristmas Toysに留之助商店コーナーがオープンします。
さらに恒例のMonsters & Misfits展をはじめ、国内外のアーティストとのコラボ作品展なども北原さんと共同で積極的にプロデュースしていく予定です。

留之助商店 店主 中子真治

Store manager Tatsuhiko Enomoto will be starting a modelling workshop in Nagoya with some of his associates this spring, and the owner of the store's building has been advising us to move out for some time, so we will be closing the store as of this month.
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who visited our store, as well as to all of the members of the Store Association of Honmachi Takayama. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I was able to devote myself fully to fun, creative work such as negotiating with artists and manufacturers, developing products, and making the blog and website, because I made the manager tend to the store and take care of things like handling orders for products.
Thanks a lot, Enomoto!

For this reason, we will be welcoming Miyuki Hatakeyama as the new sales manager, and we will be doing business through our online shop for the time being.

Once I have finished the first stage of the moving arrangements, I would like to make my home in Gero Onsen into a combination shop and collectible toys museum.

Through the good offers of Mr.Teruhisa Kitahara, world famous toy collector and curator of the Tin Toy Museum in Yokohama, we will be opening a Tomenosuke corner in the Christmas Toys shop next to the Tin Toy Museum this spring.
We also plan to work actively in cooperation with Mr. Kitahara on producing exhibitions of collaborative works with artists from Japan and abroad, including the customary Monsters & Misfits show. We hope you are looking forward to them.

Thank you very much for your support
Shinji Nakako an owner of Tomenosuke-syoten

by tomenosuke_2006 | 2015-01-31 18:02 | 留之助商店計画
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