SSUR Rebel Ape Bust: GIDチェ・ゲバラとSF映画『猿の惑星』(1968年にはじまったオリジナル・シリーズ)のコーネリアスが合体した高さ30センチのアナーキー・ビニール・バスト・スタチュー、レベル・エイプに第3のカラーウェイ "GID" 版がお目見えだ。
ご予約はこちらから→ from a concept and apparel line in the '90s, Russ Karablin of SSUR's Rebel Ape character has been brought to life via a collaboration with 3DRetro. Presenting the Rebel Ape in a series of limited edition 12" bust sculptures in rotocast vinyl, the Rebel Ape sculpture is inspired by a blend of motifs from Che Guevara and Planet of the Apes - instantly recognizable symbols synonymous with upheaval and anarchy.