Sales of the Deez Nutz will be resumed

当店の国内向けオンライン・ショップTomensouke Storesで発売したディーズ・ナッツが、日本の商標権利者Japan-SupremeよりStoresの運営会社に対し違反品(偽ブランド品・模造品・海賊版・違法コピー商品・各種知的財産権を侵害する商品)であるとのクレームが寄せられ、結果、Tomensouke Storesが10数時間にわたり強制非公開となった件について、ご報告とお知らせです。
しかしながらこの件でとりわけ憂慮したのは、運営会社が商標権利者からのクレームを受け、当店への聞き取りや調査もなければ、事前通知さえなく、突然Tomenosuke Storesを非公開にしたことでした。
しかしディーズ・ナッツをこのまま不良在庫にする気など毛頭なく、かといってTomensouke Storesで再販すれば混乱を招きますので、近日中に当店の直販サイト入荷新着情報ページで販売するつもりです。
理由 - 1. ディーズ・ナッツのメーカーAdfuntureによる「Supremeのロゴ自体、広く普及しているフォントFuturaを使ってデザインされており、同じフォントで別の単語 "Supeme" を創作し表記したに過ぎず、そのフィギュアがSupremeを連想させたとしても、けっして違反品(偽ブランド品・模造品・海賊版・違法コピー商品・各種知的財産権を侵害する商品)には当たらない」という説明を理解し、合意したからです。AdfuntureにSupremeからクレームは入っていません。また該当商品をアメリカ国内で販売しているNY(Supremeの本社がある)のショップmyplasticheartに様子をうかがいましたが、同じくSupremeからクレームなどないといいます。いずれも日本側の過剰な反応に驚いていました。

理由 - 2. Supremeがイタリアで起こした訴訟の結果を尊重しているからです。

理由 - 3. Supremeのロゴはアメリカ・デザイン界の大御所でありコンセプチュアル・アーティスト、バーバラ・クルーガーの作品(下の画像)の盗用ではないかという説を100%支持するからです。

When Adfunture made figure Deez Nutz New York "S" Version was sold on Tomenosuke's onlinestore, Tomenosuke Stores.jp, the online store operating company received a complaint about the product being in violation from the Japanese trademark owner, Japan-Supreme. As a result, Tomenosuke Stores.jp was forced to close for over 10 hours. The condition for canceling the forcible closure of the store was the removal of the product, so we followed the operating company's instructions in order to restore the online store as soon as possible. With regard to this, however, I was particularly concerned that the operating company received a complaint from the trademark owner and that Tomenosuke Stores.jp was suddenly closed down without any inquiries or investigations being directed to our shop, and not even any prior notice being given. We were later told by the operating company that "should a similar incident occur in the future, we will respond by giving prior notice and offering a grace period," which I found acceptable.

For various reasons, however, I decided to sell Deez Nutz New York "S" Version on my direct sales site.

Reason 1: The Supreme logo itself is designed using the highly popular font Futura. Another word, "Supeme," was created and written in the same font, nothing more than this. Even if the figure might be associated with Supreme, I felt that this does not constitute a violation.

Reason 2: I also considered the results of a lawsuit filed by Supreme in Italy. In Italy and Spain, Supreme sued companies selling items in a Futura typeface with white letters and a red box logo. However, as James Jebbia, the founder of Supreme, did not have rights to the Futura typeface logo, the company lost the suit in the Italian court.

Reason 3: I totally support the view that the Supreme logo may be a plagiarism of the works of conceptual artist Barbara Kruger, a leading figure in America's design world.

Consequently, I believe that it is Tomenosuke's mission to continue acting as an intermediary between creators and manufacturers who keep creating unique and fun works and fans and collectors who have an irresistible passion for original toys, while respecting the intellectual property rights third-parties, including design rights, trademark rights, copyright, and right of likeness, and I intend to continue business.

However, this blog post has a second part with an unexpected twist.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2019-08-10 23:01 | Adfunture 新製品情報
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