WIP-7: Tomenosuke Blaster chromium plating version

It's like taking a photograph in a mirror. After gazing admiringly at the Tomenosuke Blaster chromium plating version sent by Toku-san (aka Nobutaka Toku) for a final check, I took out my camera to record it for posterity only to find it to be a most difficult task. There is no escape from the various curving surfaces; wherever I try to hide, my reflection remains visible.
The heavy weight parts were originally supposed to be polished to oxidized silver and used, but changing to the vacuum vapor plating process was the right choice. As I gazed through the clear, lens-like resin grip at the aluminum grip frame polished to a mirror finish, the nickel-chrome plated Bulldog grip frame, and the Bulldog frame which had been changed to vacuum vapor plating, I honestly shivered. It was too sublime, beautiful, and graceful, a finer finish than I had imagined. Seeing Tomenosuke Blaster chrome-plated like this, it brings out the true beauty of the blaster's form even more.
Toku-san had to work more than twice as much as the Toku-san special version project, but his effort was worth it, as he created the best custom blaster I've ever seen. Next weekend, we plan to put a limited run of 4 units on sale by pre-order.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2020-10-03 09:02 | 留之助ブラスター
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