All Tomenosuke Blaster Chrome has been shipped

最終的には新しい営業マンさんの情熱と人間国宝並みの職人さんの参画で、妥協皆無の徳さんSP "留ブラ・クロム" が完成した次第です。
The last two Tomenosuke Blasters Chrome (limited to four) arrived from Nobutaka Toku-san, and after inspecting them, I repacked them in a wooden box and shipped them to the two people waiting for them today.
We've experienced the agony of childbirth so many times with our Tomenosuke Blasters, but never have I cried more than with this chrome one.
I found a long-established factory in Nagoya City (the home of Toyota Motor Corporation) that mainly deals with plating parts for automobiles, and I was forced to work in the midst of the Corona disaster. In the meantime, the salesman in charge of the project had to be restructured, and there was a series of problems that ruined Toku-san's flawless pre-treatment, so it took an inordinate amount of time to get all the parts. At times, we were puzzled by the difference in values between the technician's idea that "plating started as a technology to protect metal parts and prevent rust" and our desire for the beauty of arts and crafts.
In the end, with the passion of our new salesman and the participation of a craftsman who is as good as a living national treasure, we were able to complete the Tomenosuke Blaster Chrome without any compromise. We were not able to complete it in time for Christmas, but we are relieved to be able to deliver it before the end of the year.
by tomenosuke_2006 | 2020-12-25 13:19 | 留之助ブラスター
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