トーマス・ノスケ "コズミック・レディエイション" 版
Thomas Nosuke Cosmic Radiation Edition

ミスター・クレメントの新作ソフビのために、いままでにないまったく新しい "白" の開発をオビツ製作所さんにお願いしたのは、数ヵ月まえのことでした。
しかしクレメントの新作ソフビは、その直後、異なる成形色を採用することになり、といって、手間ひまかけて辿り着いた新しい "白" を使わないままお蔵入りにするのも惜しく、そこで考えたのがトーマス・ノスケへの転用でした。
ドクターAからは驚きの声とともに、「ぜひ作ろう、エディション名はコズミック・レディエイション(Cosmic Radiation = 宇宙線)でいこう」と、二つ返事で承認の言葉が返ってきたのでした。
トーマス・ノスケ \"コズミック・レディエイション\" 版_a0077842_15322768.jpg
It was a several months ago that I asked Obitsu Plastic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to develop a completely new, never before seen 'white' for mr clement's new sofubi sculpture. With white sofubi as the base, adjust the amount of one color of glitter and mix them together, make a sample, look at it, and decide which recipe to go with. I experimented with glitter such as gold, silver, red, blue, and iridescent colors, and the most eye-catching was the sample using blue glitter. The stone-like look that was polished to a shiny finish was brand new and fresh, and I really liked it.
However, immediately after that, mr clement's new sofubi adopted a different molding color, and as such, the new 'white' which I had arrived at after putting in time and effort was put on hold without being used which was disappointing. So, what I thought was to use it for Thomas Nosuke instead. In actual fact, I thought that the stone-like white would suit the Mechtorians robot because of its hard body, so I immediately made a sample for Thomas Nosuke and decided to send it to Doktor A for his opinion.
I got two replies from Doktor A with words of approval, saying in a surprised voice, "I've never seen such a sofubi" and, "Sure, let's make it, and name the edition Cosmic Radiation." This Cosmic Radiation version was completed not long ago, whilst suppressing the number of productions as much as possible. It will go on sale on October 20th at 23:59 JST.
トーマス・ノスケ \"コズミック・レディエイション\" 版_a0077842_22393069.jpg
トーマス・ノスケ \"コズミック・レディエイション\" 版_a0077842_22393456.jpg
トーマス・ノスケ \"コズミック・レディエイション\" 版_a0077842_22394048.jpg

by tomenosuke_2006 | 2021-10-10 22:51 | 留之助オリジナルモチャ
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