The incredible shrinking Tomenosuke Blasterせっかくソフビ作家で原型師の
金子洋平くんの仕事場にお邪魔したんですもん、長年計画に上がるも別の企画を優先させて、なかなか進まないないでいた、コンセプトは "可愛い留ブラ" についての打ち合わせ。
The concept is a "Kawaii Tomenosuke Blaster"... even though I went up to the plan for many years, I gave priority to another project and did not proceed easily. Visited the studio of Yohei Kaneko of
mirock-toy, a soft vinyl artist and sculptor, and cut and pasted the Tomenosuke Blaster Stunt Model, and finally the direction of the design was decided.